Snowflake Data Integrity Checker Knowledgebase

General Technical Assumptions

Written by Dharmik Shah | Aug 3, 2022 12:04:00 PM

Q1.  How does the installation work?

A1.  This tool needs to be installed on a Windows machine. We only support Microsoft Windows at this time. 

See Installation Guide

Q2. What permissions are required to produce the report?

A2. Read-only 

Q3.  Does SNOWDay88 write and change values in the DB?

A3. No

Q4. Can I script the functions of SNOWDay88?  

A4. A full console application is included. Please consult the user guide for more information on usage.  

Q5. Can SNOWDay88 be used with an Oracle or SQL database? 

A5. SNOWDay88 is only designed to read Snowflake databases

Q6. My database is reporting errors and I need assistance fixing them. What should I do?

A6. Reach out to our team of Snowflake experts.  See the chat at  the lower righthand side of the screen. 

Useful Links

Installation Guide

User Guide

See FAQ’s